Before you begin, kindly ensure that you have understood how you can reduce the risk of early stage investing with the angel tax incentive here.
A minimum of five (5) angels will need to register under the angel club for it to be formed. If these five angels are new applicants, they can register as accredited angel investors with MBAN with a discounted processing fee of RM 400.
You will need the following supporting documents to proceed with your application:
Before you begin, kindly ensure that you have understood the qualifying criterias investment certifications under the Angel Tax Incentive here. If you have any inquiries, you can click here to contact us.
You are also required to read the following documents before you submit your application:
Interested to be a Certified Investee Company?
YES, WE WANT TO BE A CERTIFIED INVESTEE COMPANY!One of MBAN’s efforts is to continuously source for deals and showcase them in a monthly pitch event which is exclusive to our existing and potential members of MBAN. Now known as Enter The Tigers’ Lair, the monthly pitching series promises a fresh new approach to your regular pitching sessions. 6 Startups carefully selected from a pool of applications will battle to secure funding and interest from Angel Investors and secure a seat at the dinner table with Angels in the exclusive “Angels & Unicorns” Quarterly Dinner.